Commercial and residential roofs aren’t equal

It’s very possible and relatively easy to clean your roof of moss. However, the problem won’t disappear for long if you lack the right tools. For high quality results, you need to get in touch with the experts. We are the top name in roof cleaning Surrey has. Our people tackle the issue at its source to prevent it from popping up again soon.

Residential and commercial roofs aren’t manufactured equally. It’s essential that you understand the differences between the two. This way, you can make life easier. You’ll also be ensuring that you’re using the right cleaning methods. You will thank yourself later on.


Roof manufacturers utilise various materials for commercial structures. Certain elements will determine their choices. Examples include weather and the roof’s slope. Costs and occupancy are vital too.

Some of these buildings might use roof coverings that are the same as those found in residential projects. This includes wood shakes and asphalt shingles. Which one they choose will depend on the roof’s size and shape. There are other options though, including various types of sheeting. The material affects the cleaning.

Historic structures and apartments

Sometimes, we convert historic houses to commercial use. Yet, many people keep the residential roofing materials. This is because they want to preserve the original aesthetic. As a result though the surface needs cleaning in the same way the home would.

With apartments, we class them as residential buildings. It’s different for roofing purposes though. They usually fall under the regulations for commercial constructs.

Your standard commercial roof is typically low slope or flat. They’re also bigger than residential designs. Regular maintenance and inspection is necessary because of this configuration. Commercial roofs demand the presence of an experienced team though as a result of the larger hazards and liability. Experts are also the best choice for maintenance work.

At Premier Roof Clean, we know that property owners become used to having dirty roofs. It’s our professional opinion however that they cannot let them stay like this. They will only damage the surfaces that way. Before that happens, you should contact our people and arrange the best roof cleaning Surrey can offer. You can reach us easily via phone or by email.