Easier ways to clean your gutters

It’s true that we are one of the finest businesses working in roof cleaning Surrey has available. However, our skills extend beyond the roofing. What we mean by this is that we attend to driveways and gutters as well. As a result we offer quite the comprehensive service; one that customers believe is worth the investment.

Gutter cleaning isn’t a straightforward affair. Saying this, we have produced some advice here that you can use to make the procedure much simpler.


The most dangerous thing about cleaning gutters is accessing them. Due to the height you’ll need a ladder. Working on ladders is tricky and you need to be very careful to avoid a fall. Standing on the roof may be a better option but again you need to be take care. Keep in mind that the surface is likely not meant to be walked on. Step carefully and ensure you have a good footing.

Pull it all out

You would be better off pulling out any loose debris too. You can employ a gutter scoop for moving the waste out. Do this once you start working at the drain opening close to the gutter’s lower end and move away. You will find things far simpler when the guttering is slightly damp. The debris will seem pliable and not so dried. If you utilise a plastic bucket for gathering the refuse, the later stages of clean up shall become easier.

Protect your hands

Another thing to keep in mind is you can’t predict what will be in the gutters. Think about wearing heavy work gloves to prevent injury and getting muck all over you. Gutters typically house sharp or pointed metal items that end up clinging to the troughs. Donning safety glasses or goggles is another vital consideration. You’ll have a much simpler experience with them than you would without them.

At Premier Roof Clean, we do our best to make every project as straightforward as possible. At the same time, we employ the most efficient methods we have at our disposal. When you need roof cleaning Surrey has nobody better; we even clean out the gutters for you to provide a comprehensive service.

If you require any help with your roofs, gutters, or driveways, please give us a call.