Do you know the truth about moss?

There is beauty underneath all of that roof debris. It’s just hard to see with the mess that is there. If you’re tired of looking at it, then you should call in the professionals. We are the leading company working in roof cleaning Surrey has. Using their training, our team shall provide you with top quality results.

There’s quite a lot of information out there relating to roof moss. A considerable amount of it isn’t true however. When they read it, homeowners can end up making the wrong decisions in relation to dealing with the problem. To clear things up, we’re going to tell you what the facts really are.

The weight

One claim that people make about moss is that its weight causes structural harm. This is false. It’s a strategy that third-rate roof coating sellers use to frighten individuals into using their services. Moss spreads over the surface and the weight dispenses evenly. It’s negligible. There is no proof that roofs undergo structural complications because of weight associated with moss growth. In addition, you need to remember that most UK homes have the organic material growing on their roofs. Ask yourself how many you’ve seen collapse recently.

Stopping growth

Our second false statement is that roof coatings stop moss growth on your tiles. Preventative treatments and moss killers only work for a set amount of time. Afterwards, the rain washes them off and growth can resume if spores land on the surface again. Expect to wait two to four years for the re-growth to happen. There won’t be too many roof coating experts that will admit these facts to you.

At Premier Roof Clean, we are 100% honest with our clients when it comes to cleaning their property. We never tell them anything that’s untrue. Because of the approach we take, we’ve earned a formidable reputation among South England’s residents.

If you wish to work with the top name for roof cleaning Surrey has, please get in touch. We book appointments to suit various needs and can complete jobs as efficiently as possible.